Sunday, September 11, 2011

Control Freaks, Read This

Alright all you control freaks out there…this one is for you. I just have two words for you. Shut. Up. Yup, you read that correctly. Just shut up. Being an overbearing shrew is only going to make your man 1.) Give up; 2.) Get mad; 3.) Do the complete opposite of what you want out of spite; 4.) Think you’re an overbearing shrew who will never think he does anything right.
Maybe he doesn’t do anything exactly the way you want it, but guess what…at least he’s putting forth the effort! That’s more than what most other men do! Nagging and belittling him only accomplishes one thing: it creates an emotional gap between the two of you.
Remember, there are more important things to fight about. What does it matter if he folds the towels differently than you do or puts the dishes in the dishwasher a different way? Do the towels get folded? Yes. Do the dishes get washed? Yes. Are you the one having to do it all? No!
How many men do you know want to help around the house? If you’ve ever been to a bachelor pad you know the answer to that question. The man willing to contribute and put forth an effort is a diamond in the rough. What are you thinking trying to kill that in him??? You should be ashamed of yourselves.
Remember what I said earlier…a man who belittles you does not deserve you. Here’s a reality check for you…do you deserve your man? If you feel you do, then please act like it. Show him you appreciate the effort he puts forth in the household and in your relationship. Trust me, there’s a long line of women (myself included) who would gladly take him off your hands.
There’s nothing sexier than a man who is willing to do whatever it takes to take care of his woman/family. It might irk you that he’s not doing it your way, but for heaven’s sake, build a bridge and get over it.

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