Monday, September 5, 2011

Location, Location, Location

Just like with real estate, location is everything in the man hunt. While the type of man you’re looking for may go to a club or bar from time to time, the chances of you finding Mr. Right on the dance floor is slim to none. Who’s to say exactly where you’ll bump into Mr. Right, and I’ll concede that it happens for some people, but let’s be realistic. That kind of thing doesn’t happen to the majority of us.
Men are everywhere we look. They’re at the grocery store, church, in class, at the bar, at the coffee shop… Despite popular belief, it’s quite easy to find a man. You can go to any bar right now, show a random man some attention, and he’ll end up buying you a drink, asking you for your phone number, or at least making an inappropriate proposition to you. But, is that the kind of man you want?
There’s a simple two-step process to help you begin your man hunt.
Step One:  Identify what kind of man you want and think about where you can find him.
Step Two: You have to put yourself out there and make yourself available to be found. Even in the smallest towns there are social organizations you can join and broaden your dating horizons. There might not be any available bachelors in that group, per se, but I guarantee that there’s someone in there that has a single nephew or their son’s best friend is looking for a great girl that they’re just dying to introduce to you. If nothing else, then there is always Internet dating sites. I, personally, am not a big fan of these, but they can at least keep your socialization and flirting skills sharp until you move out of virtual reality into reality.
Try something different. Don’t go to a bar and wait for a man to seek you out, or just sit at home waiting for Mr. Right to knock on the door. Join a group, volunteer, go to a community festival, go to church socials…just get out there and show all those great guys what a catch you are!

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